Sunday, December 21, 2008
Christmas Jubilation
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Christmas Tag
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper. When it comes to Christmas totally wrapping paper.
2. Real tree or Artificial? REAL!! I mean, sure mine is dry already and practially falling apart and a fire hazard, last night when my friend Lauryn walked in and said "it smells like pine" it was all worth it.
3. When do you put up the tree? ASAP, right after Thanksgiving.
4. When do you take the tree down? When I get back in town I suppose.
5. Do you like eggnog? Um, no.
6. Favorite gift received as a child? The one I wanted the most and then got was probably my Molly American Girls doll.
7. Hardest person to buy for? I think my Grandma, I never really know what to get her.
8. Easiest person to buy for? Well, this year Shawn was pretty easy...the hardest part was narrowing down my ideas.
9. Do you have a nativity scene? YES! We just got it in the mail two days ago, my in-laws sent it to us for an early Christmas present so we (I, let's be honest) could enjoy it for the season.
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail I guess, but I don't really send them so I feel a tad guilty getting them.
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Um...I don't know...I have to think.
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? Mr. Krueger's Christmas. I really look forward to watching it every year and never make it to the end without crying. If you don't know what it is I recommend seeking it out.
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? As soon as I see something I want to get for someone. I think October this year.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Not a Christmas gift.
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? You're asking me to choose? I'll pick two, Peanut Blossoms and Apricot cookies my mom makes, they are freaking delish.
16. Colored or Clear Lights? Hmmm...I like solid strands, color, clear it doesn't matter. But I also like roofs lined with red and green alternating because I think its festive. To my mom's dismay I actually aspire to be a very tacky Christmas yard decorator.
17. Favorite Christmas song? Oh, Holy Night hands down.
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Travel as long as we live in Utah. It really is a time for family.
19. Angel on the tree top or a star? I prefer a star.
20. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? In our family we open all of the presents under the tree on Christmas Eve after reading Luke:2 and then Santa comes and we open those in the morning.
21. Favorite ornament theme or color? I don't really care as long as there's red. What's Christmas without red?
22. White or Warm Christmas? White. One of my favorite Christmas memories was just a few years ago with a snowy Christmas Eve tractor ride with Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Siblings, and Grandma through rural Pennsylvania. We bundled up and sung carols. Sound too good to be true? It almost was.
23. Favorite Christmas Tradition? Wow, too many to choose from but I really do just love when my whole family is together at the kitchen table playing games.
24. Favorite Christmas Location? My parent's.
25. Who do you tag? Anyone who loves Christmas as much as I do. I mean, I've been a little tired of being tagged but on this one I couldn't refuse.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Nothin' Says Christmas Like Sugary Sweetness

Friday, December 5, 2008
Christmas Decor

Monday, December 1, 2008
A Feast, A Sale and A Wedding

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Here is some art that I have recently seen and been a part of (please excuse the lack of art in these pictures however...sometimes my crappy camera is cooperative and sometimes its not)
Here are some of my favorite gingerbread houses that my co-worker Gretchen and I saw at the Gingerbread Festival at Thanksgiving Point last week.

And I made this octopus with a top hat and cane. I'm not sure why but he looks familiar to me. Does anyone remember ever seeing an octopus with a top hat a cane before? Maybe I knew him in another life.
Well, I hope you've enjoyed your journey into fine art. Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Dreams Really Do Come True
For example, at Walmart this week I got a wreath and a candle for all of the windows for the front of our house and last night at Costco I got cute ribbon to put a bow on the wreaths with.
Oh how I love Christmas decorating. I basically fantasize about decorating my house everyday and no lie; I resist the urge to start with "just a few things" pretty much everyday. Shawn has to humor me by walking down the Christmas isle in every store we go in, even if its just for a loaf of bread.
I can't wait to get a big fat tree and trim the crap out of it!!!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Tagged by Mendy
1. The Office
2. 30 Rock
3. Lost
4. Survivor (yes, Thursdays are very busy, thank goodness for DVR)
5. Heroes
6. The Biggest Loser
7. House
8. Ace of Cakes (again, a Thursday show!)
8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Happy Sumo
2. Cafe Rio
3. Olive Garden
4. Won Won Wok
5. Bajio
6. The Training Table
7. Noodles and Co.
8. Pier 49
8 Things That Happened Yesterday:
1. I voted
2. I got sucked into the Today show talking about the election
3. I worked
4. I made myself dinner, Shawn ate with his cousin
5. I practiced my guitar
6. I watched a lot of election coverage
7. I read blogs
8. I bonded with Shawn...I don't know, I'm out of things...what a boring day!
8 Things I'm Looking Forward To:
1. Going home for Christmas
2. Decorating for Christmas
3. Having Jared's family up at Thanksgiving time, I'd say for Thanksgiving but that would imply we were eating together...
4. Taking Black Friday off and hopefully getting some awesome Deals
5. Seeing the Joel Sechrists again someday!!!
6. Having my friend Lauryn's bridal shower on Saturday
7. Paying our last credit card payment
8. Our semi-annual Sister Bonding NYC trip...with CHARLOTTE
8 Things on My Wish List:
1. I'm a PC...a laptop
2. A Digital SLR
3. New couches for the basement
4. A desire to eat healthily and exersize
5. Offspring, what? I can say that if I want.
6. A Wii
7. A new is a wishlist right?
8. A Nativity, an advent calendar and wreaths and candles for my windows
8 People I'm Tagging:
1. Amy Noel
2. Amber Nicole
3. Joel Wade
4. Mendy Leigh
5. Jared Micah
6. Adam Ryan
7. Brent Nicolas
8. Whitney Allison
Oh...I thought that said 8 children in your family my bad. What's done is done.
Halloween Bash
Shawn and I decided to have a little get together with a few couple friends of ours since none of us have kids which pretty much leaves us without anything to do on Halloween. Everyone came dressed up as a famous couple. It was totally fun, we definitely have some very fun and creative friends!
Mulder and Scully, really its us guys, don't worry, it's just us:

Friday, October 31, 2008
Tagged by Sommer
The Sink: Not too bad...

The Fridge: Well, who's fridge is organized anyway?

A Bathroom: This is the upstairs bathroom that isn't ours...we'll call it the "guest bath" ha

Favorite Room: Truth be told my favorite room is whichever I have most recently painted or decorated which would be the bedroom except that I've been Halloween decorating for a small little get together we're having tonight so I think the kitchen wins right now.

Oh yeah, and I tag, Mandi and Chynna.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
More Punkins

Ok, so that wolf pumpkin Kaden (my nephew, Shawn's sister's son) and I did was about 2 weeks ago and wilted beyond recognition already (don't be fooled by the intricacy of the wolf pumpkin either, it was done using a pattern and a kit). We have also lost other pumpkins due to squirrel uprisings and rebellions in our area. are some more, that we have taken inside and will only be put out on All Hallows Eve. Yeah, we're stickin' it to the rodents. Please take special note of the pumpkin in the middle. The mouth was done by a squirrel which Shawn caught in action, he opened the door and shouted "ooga booga" to frighten the thing away. Then he sprinkled pop rocks where the squirrel had been chewing because he thought it would be funny. It really kind of is when you try to imagine what a squirrel who has just lapped up some pop rocks would be thinking. Oh wow, tangent...yeah, so the one in the middle the squirrel carved a big round whole in and ate the guts out of so, I gave it creepy death eyes and there you have it, a relatively effortless jack-o-lantern. Now that's turning the squirrel problem into something useful, is it not?

The witch in flight is mine, the evil eye one is Shawn's. Enjoy.