On Monday Night Shawn and I rented The Assassination of Jesse James and watched it on our Clearplay DVD player, which I love, and ate roast. Nothing too thrilling, except that it was a pretty good movie and I'm a pretty great wife because I made us roast. Then we opened up an entire bag of Sweethearts Valentine candy and read every piece and I made a complete phrase out of them. Did you know that they now have just the words "and" and "to?" It makes sentencing much easier. It said something like:
How Nice- to- Marry Me- I Hope- It's Love-
Hug Me- and- Love Me- and- I Know -You & Me- Got Love.
I was pretty proud of myself for that.
Then our friends/neighbors April and George came over and I force fed them nasty cookies (see previous entry). Suckers.
On Tuesday evening Shawn and I went out for dinner and a movie. I hesitate to say that it was in celebration of our one month anniversary because I think celebrating month-iversaries is kind of lame but it did happen to fall on the 26th AND Shawn did get me these:

Which was such a fun surprise because the man literally never once gave me flowers the entire time we were dating or engaged and I got a dozen roses for Valentine’s Day so I definitely thought he’d reached his quota for the year already. But his sweetness didn’t end there, we went to 27 Dresses which I hadn’t seen yet and he knew I really wanted to. He was literally the only male in the theater. Literally.
On Wednesday evening we went on our ward Temple trip to the Jordan River Temple. It was a dinner in the cafeteria before hand in a section they had blocked off just for our ward then the temple president came and spoke to us and then a session. It was my first ward temple trip and we have only been to this ward two times so far but it was really nice. Everyone was very friendly.
On Thursday Shawn went to dinner with his cousin Aaron and my friend Lauryn brought me CafĂ© Rio, now that’s a good friend! Then Shawn and I hosted our weekly LOST party. It’s always fun because a) it’s LOST and b) I see friends of mine that I don’t usually see. Usually Shawn’s sister Amy comes and my friends Lauryn, Rick and Bryce. Last night Beckie and Steve came as well which was really fun because they hadn’t been to our place yet. And then, as is our other weekly tradition as soon as everyone left Shawn and I watched our DVR’d Survivor which is just totally addicting. I admit that when I found out that Shawn was a fan I thought it was a little strange because I didn’t know anyone watched that show anymore. I was always surprised that it was still on the air. Alas I’m hooked. It’s really pretty good.

And finally today, as I type, Shawn is getting his stitches removed. It’s pretty awesome that his entire surgical process is all over. I’m glad he survived. Even though the chance of him dying in there is less then 1%, it’s still too much for me.
As for tonight we are hosting the “Lindseth Family Sleepover” as Shawn calls it. He’s been talking about it since before we were married. His sisters and nephew Kaden are coming up to party. Uncle Shawn is Kaden’s absolute favorite person in the world so it’ll be pretty fun.
Ok, that’s all.