Sunday was Shawn's 35th birthday!
The celebration really started on Friday because I had to give him his birthday present then. I got him a small TV for the kitchen so he could watch the news while he eats his breakfast and makes his lunch. It's the simple things in life that please him. The cable guy was coming on Friday so I couldn't really save it for Sunday.

On Saturday we went out to dinner and a movie. We saw the Terminator (which I had no desire to see, but it was his birthday, his pick.) And ate at the Olive Garden.

Then on Sunday, his actual birthday, we had a Lindseth dinner with their mom's casserole and a giant chocolate cake. The cake wasn't meant to be giant but since I dropped one tier on the floor the night before and started bawling hysterically (I'm pregnant), he went to the store to get more stuff and it ended up being a three tier cake that the lid wouldn't even fit on.

What I'm saying is, its been days and we're still eating chocolate cake.
I think he had a great birthday weekend event overall.