My mom says she started this as an intended gift for Berky but didn't finish in time so she made it for Sovie. I love it and think it is beautiful and usually leave it hanging over the rocker but I stuck it on her one night when her legs felt cold and the blanket and the Sovie have been inseparable ever since.

To put her to bed all you have to do is put that blanket within arms length and she smiles and snuggles it up to her face and sucks her thumb and closes her eyes. It's so sweet! And then of course if you keep snapping photos...

she wakes up. Go figure.
The proof is in the puddin'; that baby loves her blanky. Ain't?
Seriously? That's all you have to do to put her to bed? Will you have her come teach Olive what to do.
Ok this is just ridiculous, I want to reach through the computer and kiss those chubby cheeks, holy cow she is so stinkin gorgeous and cute... like the cutest baby girl I've ever seen no joke!!! One of my boys have to marry her deal? Deal!
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