That was the last time a caffeinated beverage passed through my lips, ice cold onto my tongue and down my ever ready throat. I love Diet Coke. I really do. I miss it. I pass absolutely no judgement on those who drink it, I feel nothing but comradery and jealousy towards them.
It just seemed like a good time to stop. We had gotten back from Christmas, there wasn't any in the house and it was Sunday. Ordinarily in this situation I'd go to the change jar and grab some money for a vending machine run but we had just given all of our change to my dad for Christmas. You might say the stars aligned and I knew it was time.
I long for the day that I'm strong enough to order one with a value meal and not fall right back into my 44 ounce a day habit but I know deep down that I'm not ready yet.
And so, for those of you out there keeping Coke in business, I salute you. I'll be back, just hopefully not so regularly.
Congrats on hitting the month mark then!!
you're retarded but i have to laugh. since i have seen you with huge bevarages on many occasions.
44-ounce habit? Man you were hardcore. Good luck on your withdrawals. I will have a cold one in you honor tonight :)
I am so proud of you, Chica! You braved the headaches and came out on top. I think good, strong bones and freedom from addiction are just the tips of the iceberg in terms of the good things that will come as a result of your will power.
I must be like the only person that hates COKE! You are probably hating me now that I said that...sorry! But congrats on a month of cokelessness! :)
Good job, that's awesome, way to stay strong!!!!
Wow. So what do you drink now?
Good Job Whit! Although I have to say we miss you in coke land.
I guess no more diet coke wishes and crest donut dreams.
Sigh, I gave up donuts
I don't understand the question. I feel like you have betrayed me. I'm going to need some time to come to terms with this.
Hmmmm...hmmmmm.....hhmmmm....I love you Whitney!!!!!
great job on staying on the wagon! (or is it "off the wagon"??) anyhow, i LOVE dr pepper and cherry coke, but, i gave it up when i was pregnant w/christian and then while nursing. i finally had just 3 sips about a month ago of a coke and i ended up with a HUGE headache afterward! so, once you're off of caffeine, don't go back--your head will probably explode.
Hi! sorry i never comment but now i am!
- courtney
Ah Whitney - I miss you.
But alas, you only miss coke.
This feels like the time your mom gave up diet coke and lime (I graciously welcomed her back) and it hurt! I try not to think about the time we went to Sonic and she order diet cherry limeade...just wasn't the same! I am with Amber...I feel a little betrayed.
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