Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Help Me!

There are so many symptoms that come with pregnancy, you hear about them your entire life but never really understand how severe they can be until you experience them yourself. The one that I've probably heard a ton of in passing and never given much thought to would be dreams. Vivid, constant dreams. I started dreaming very early in my pregnancy, probably before my first bout of morning sickness and they have remained constant and intense.

Sure I've dreamed strange dreams like, giving birth pre-maturely and fearing that Shawn would be mad at me for allowing it to happen hid the baby under my shirt with the umbilical cord still attached.

However, last night's dream was, to say the least, the most eventful one yet.

Last night I had a dream that as I was driving into work I noticed in my rear view mirror a tan car with three young men inside. Strangely enough the driver had his window down and a hand held gun swinging around outside the window as he drove. I knew he was coming to rob the Gardens where I work. I remember tons of details about this dream but I'll spare you the things of no consequence. The bottom line is we all ended up in the Gardens because even though my mind was saying, you're pregnant run the other way I kept thinking about my young cashiers inside and I couldn't leave them alone with these psychos.

Once inside I tried to act non-chalant like I hadn't just seen them wildly waving a gun around and like I didn't know they were about to commit armed robbery. I made small talk with the guys and excused myself to use the restroom.

Once away from them I got out my phone to call a co-worker who wasn't currently at work and have her call the police (why I didn't call them myself I have no idea) and when I went to dial her my fingers automatically dialed 911. As soon as I hit send one of the burglars came at me from no where and asked who I was calling. I said, "a friend." He said, "let me see." I said, "no." He then got very close and tried to take the phone from me and grabbed my arms. I tried to yell "help me" but nothing came out.

I have this curse where when I'm frightened I can't make a sound. It all gets trapped in my throat. Frustrated with myself and my condition I said to myself, "swallow, make your throat moist and yell as loud as you can!" I did. I mean, I really did. I yelled at the top of my lungs "HELP ME!!!" And what hero came to my aid? That would be my husband who started shaking me, "wake up, its ok, you're ok, are you awake? you're ok, its ok." And I think I instantly started laughing because I screamed at 5:22 am "HELP ME." My breathing was heavy, Shawn's breathing was heavy. It was a freaky situation.

Shawn was afraid the police were going to show up at our door. I just kept giggling because I couldn't believe it happened. It's like something you see in a movie and think its totally fake. Now I know, it is possible to scream out in a dream and wake yourself and your poor husband from an otherwise peaceful slumber.


Mary said...

Sorry not so fun. But at least you had a hubby there to make it all better. The last horrible dream like that I had Travis was gone and I was freaked out even though I knew I was dreaming.

Melinda said...

That is kind of awesome. I spit on John in my sleep last week because in my dream I was spitting on a vicious ape that was attacking my rabbit. He never woke up though . . .

S D Lindseth said...

Let me say, solemnly, that it was the single most terrifying moment of my life, and Whitney needed to put way mor emphasis on her scream-volume.

Rachelle said...

i hate scary dreams. yikes!

mine are sooooo weird while i am pregnant! not scary, just weird. did i mention they were weird!?

Jessica said...

Sorry you had such a horrible dream. You know who else will be waking you by screaming in the middle of the night? That's right - your baby! :)

Chynna said...

haha that's funny! I love intense dreams like when you are falling or crying and it wakes you up and your cheeks really have tears on them!

Margie Quilter said...

If dreams are crazier when you're prego I'm in deep trouble!!

beckie said...

I had a dream that you had died and I was at your funeral about a month ago and I woke up with tears all over my face and my nose was all plugged up.

Poor Shawn.

Van Ry Clan of Layton Ave said...

Wow that was an intense dream, poor Shawn, I have had the vivid dreams to, one involved tigers from the zoo being loose in our neighborhood and William saying mommy they are hurting me, then me waking up crying, it will be over soon right?

Anonymous said...

Holy Crap, I almost peed my pants laughing at this blog.

Sommer said...

Yeah I'm with the last post, I was laughing so hard, i can totally picture the whoel thing. I'm glad Shawn was sweet and understanding. Oh and i"m glad you figured out how to get the things back on your side bar =)

Rebecca said...

Sometimes Dad talks in his sleep, too. Like the time he said "you really don't want to buy that car". Usually it's "help me" in a little, tiny voice. One night I got elbowed really hard, too. Shawn had a funny dream after we saw Beauty and the Beast on Broadway. In the middle of the night, he yells out, "Yes, it's PINK! Dad will like it." What was that about?