I am very thankful for what I have. I love my family...I just don't love being an emotional, nauseous, exhausted mess every single day. Go figure.
I am 14 weeks pregnant and by week 16 last time I was feeling much better so at least I have that to look forward to! It still doesn't feel very real to me. I can't believe that I'm going to have 2 whole children to take care of but I am excited for it. I'm excited for them to be buddies. I'm excited to have a newborn to snuggle and smell.
My husband is marvelous. He never makes me feel stupid for all the crying, emotional ridiculousness of it all. What an amazing man.
Berky is walking! Not super steady yet but he takes as many as ten steps at a time now. He has been taking a step or 2 for a few weeks but in the past few days his balance has really improved.
All in all life is good. I'd really like to focus on the positive and not think about being sick. Soon I'll have 2 beautiful children and maybe enough energy to clean my house again. In the mean time, if anyone knows any maids who'll work for food send 'em my way.