Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Day At Home

I broke out the camera for some tummy time shots of Sovie. She's hit or miss with tummy time, sometimes she screams, sometimes she falls asleep and sometimes she barely lifts her head. Oh well, at least we try right?

While we I was distracted Berky snaked my drink...notice him in the background of this picture? I didn't.

Here are some sweet brother sister shots. Berky seriously loves her. He is always aware of where she is and hugs her and kisses her without prompting. He says "aw" whenever he sees her. It's pretty cute...and sometimes rough and frightening.
Sovie is a GREAT baby. It's a bit ridiculous. She sleeps through the night, 7-9 1/2 hours at a time. She is growing way too fast! I'm just trying to soak in every minute of her tininess.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Let's Paint Some Eggs

Traditional Sunday before Easter, Egg painting.
When you think about it, painting eggs is a pretty strange thing to do.
I wonder why we do it???
I should look it up.
The good news is Berky had a pretty good time doing it this year. He kept trying to eat them though since I let him eat one right before we painted. I think the shell was a bit confusing for him.

Hope you all have a happy Easter! And remember why we celebrate.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter Egg Hunting

Sovie was chillin' in the stroller...
Berky was laughing as he ran from his mom.
Doesn't he look like such a big boy?
We had a cute neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt that the cub scouts put on.
Everyone brought 15 stuffed eggs and the Scouts played games with the kids while the men "hid" the eggs.
Berky with our next door neighbor, Kai.
It was a great day and we all got rosy cheeks...including Sovie. I'm a terrible mother.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dinner Time Antics

We had spaghetti and while Shawn was tending to Sovie and I was up getting a refill Berky reached and reached and grabbed the strainer.
After eating the rest of the noodles out of it he had a really good time.And for good measure, here's daddy tending to Sovie just like I said.
These kids get cuter everyday!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

18 Month Skills

Berky is now 19 months old...and to celebrate I'd like to post a list that I made on his 18 month birthday of all his words. But first, his funny statistics...

Weight, 22 lbs 5th percentile
Height, 31 inches? 40th percentile
Head, big, 90th percentile


thank you
bye bye
da da
what's that?
right there
front door
hiss (like a snake)
howl (like a wolf)
fake snoring (he doesn't say this as much as do this)
ho ho ho
growl (he does this for most animals)

rare words:

I love you

As I look this list over I'm amazed at how many more words he's learned in a month, and how many more animal sounds. My favorite is lobster, he clicks his tongue and makes pinchers with his fingers.

What a cute kid!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Where's Berky?

Crazy Aunt Amy buried Berky. This is fun...
Now it's kind of freaking me out.

Is anyone else getting an E.T. vibe?

Monday, April 18, 2011

It's Cold Out, Eh?

Thanks to a cold, snowy spring these boys got to be hat twins. They look pretty silly...and pale. Good thing spring is coming!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Blessed Girl

On March 10th Sovie was blessed by her daddy.

We decided to do it on a Thursday because my mom would still be in town and Shawn's parents came into town so it was really nice for 3 of her grandparents to be there.
Shawn gave Sovie a beautiful blessing and everyone there surely felt the spirit. She is a special girl and we are definitely lucky to have her in our family.