Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Blowing Money

So on Monday night Shawn and I decided to have a costly Family away from Home Evening. I have wanted to try the Melting Pot for years basically and I've been talking about it a lot lately. Shawn obliged. I forgot to take pictures of any of the courses so below you can see our empty dessert plate which once contained cheesecake, strawberries, bananas, pound cake, brownies, marshmallows, rice crispy treats etc...which we dipped in chocolate peanut butter bliss.
Over all we really enjoyed our experience for what it was, a change from the norm and good food. I'm not sure we'll do it again, it really was quite pricey. I am eager to try it at home though, after eating there I'm confident that I can fondue.


Amber said...

Most importantly, your hair looks great! Sometimes my friends and I go to the Melting Pot just for dessert. (It's less and expensive and skips right to the good parts!)

Tracy said...

The first time I went to the pot was with your Mendy. It was fun, but my hubby said we wouldn't be going back for a looooong time because of the price. Going back for just one course wouldn't be so pricey though. Glad you were able to try it. Your hair does look great!

Kathleen said...

we have a melting pot here too, but i have to say, i've heard it's too much for too little so cubby and i won't be going unless a gift certificate comes our way :-). 'glad you guys had a good time though! your desert sounded yummy!

Mendy said...

Mmmm. Fondue goodness. I quite enjoy it, I must say. I have only been twice (once with horded birthday/anniversary/Christmas money for both Michael and me and once for my 10th anniversary) but I quite liked it. Glad you got to go!

Anja said...

I've heard about the melting pot, but my sucky little town has no such place! I hope you enjoy living where you can eat good food, I could list for you on two hands the places I have to choose from to eat around here!