We wondered through the square, went inside the church and then decided it was time to find the Sistine Chapel because we had a lot to do and only a day to do it. The line to get into the Vatican Museum's was SO LONG. And we got there pretty early. It was well worth it to see Michelangelo's depiction of God touching the finger of Adam.
After the Sistine Chapel we got slightly lost and decided the some authentic pizza would probably give us the mental clarity we needed. Not to mention some Fresca Orange (Amber I know you'll be pleased.) Let me tell you a little story about Europe and Fresca. You know how Fresca is nothing more than orange soda that you might as well by the Shasta brand of and give it to the kiddos? Well in Europe its good. Really good. It's kind of like, carbonated orange juice but better than what you're thinking.
Anyway, some thin crust and fresh mozzarella proved to do the trick because we soon found our way to the metro and made a stop at Trevi Fountain. We tossed in some American pennies, more wish for your buck that way, and headed back to the metro for the Colosseum.
The Colosseum was awesome to see. I mean, how often do you get to see something so infamously historic? Unless you're Roman or Egyptian I'd say not very. It was huge and over looking the Roman forum was incredible.
We made our way down to the Roman forum, wandered around a bit and then decided it was probably time to head back to the metro. Just to be sure we caught the boat with time to spare. This was our first official stop after all. Well, when we got back to the station I showed Shawn that Circus Maximus was just one stop farther and we'd never be in Rome again. He agreed to make it a quick trip.
Sure it was nothing more than a field but still, this is where they held chariot races, ya know? Totally cool. Not cool however was hopping back on the metro, taking us to the train station, missing the train to Civitevecchia by 2 minutes and having to wait 40 minutes for the next one which had us running to catch a cab to take us right to the boat because we were supposed to be back on the boat at 6:30 and it was 6:40 and the boat was leaving at 7 with or without us. Holy Stressful. I am glad to report that we made it.
After a long day of site seeing I told Shawn that I wanted to see the Torre Agbar because it looked so cool in pictures. Armed with a map we headed there under the Spanish night sky. Imagine our disappointment when the tower came into view and it was not lit up! I was thoroughly disappointed. We decided to eat at a Spanish fast food place and then sort of wandered through an outdoor mall. After all of that our feet were throbbing so we started looking for the nearest Metro stop. As soon as we made our way out of the mall area we were greeted with a brightly lit Torre Agbar. Hallelujah! I was so happy.
I swear your boobs are getting bigger. Green sweater shot.
That is too cool, glad you made it back to the boat, those mosaics are so neat
Oh my gosh I thought the same thing that Mary said! Funny
Shawn ate rabbit!?!? How would Fuzzy feel? All that I can say is...you cannibal! Glad you had a great time. Almost missing the boat is part of the experience of a cruise. They had to open the door for one guy on one of our cruises. We were ready to sail. Imagine our surprise to look over the rail and see it was our Dr. John who was holding everything up.
ha ha ha I thought the same thing too as Mary! How funny is that! I agree I've had some Fresca in Holland before and it really is amazing stuff!
ah, italy...i would LOVE to be able to go and see the sistine chapel. there's just something about art...'glad you all got to see so many wonderful things!
ah, italy...i would LOVE to be able to go and see the sistine chapel. there's just something about art...'glad you all got to see so many wonderful things!
Wow whitney what fun for you guys-thanks for sharing with us!
Don't care much about your chest, but would have loved to have toured Rome with you. Maybe when my kids are gone and we become independently wealthy I will have a go at it!
Amazing pictures! What an amazing time! What an amazing body!
Looks like you saw some amazing things....I love traveling! LOVE IT! Maybe you guys can go to Africa this November with us!
I'm super jealous! i hope you guys had an awesome time!!! So hey, if you ever need any help at all at thanksgiving point.. during the tulip festival or any time actually.. let me know cuz i will totally come! i really miss working there.. and i wanna come back so bad!! does anyone still work there from when i did?
WE hadn't checked your blog for awhile and then all this! Exciting! I want John and I to take a trip abroad before we have kids. He claims it has to be Portugal. Looks like you guys had an awesome time!
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