I'm really excited for tomorrow's Dr.'s appointment. Sure I could do without the pap smear but I'm really excited to have a real due date and to have an ultra sound! I can't wait to see the baby and for it to feel more real.
All of the online due date calculators and the books and everything give me different due dates. (only varying from Oct 1st to the 4th) When I thought I was 9 weeks the Dr.'s office said 10. But I didn't want to get my hopes up that I was farther so I've been counting it the slow way still. At whattoexpect.com it says I'm 14 weeks and 2 days but according to webmd I'm 13 weeks and 4 days, so really I just have no clue. I realize its not a huge difference but it'll still be fun to know for sure how big and far along the baby is.
I know it probably sounds crazy because I KNOW its really early but I keep thinking I feel little, soft, fleeting movements once in a while. I know its early, I know its probably gas but still...
Anyway, that's all. I'm just excited.
I'm excited for you! That's great your Dr. does an ultrasound @ your first appt. because not all of them do. My Dr. did and it's amazing to see how small the baby is and the tiny heart beating. Let us know your official due date. (Although, honestly, the baby will come out when it's darn good and ready, regardless of the date.)
Oh, fun! Feeling that baby move inside is amazing, especially when he/she gets the hiccups. What do you mean you don't enjoy a pap smear? What's not to love?
ah, whitney, you are too funny--and very cute. my kids didn't care about their due dates and both had to be induced when they were a week late. so, due dates are depressing b/c i'm always STILL PREGNANT when they come and go! anyhow, seeing the baby and hearing their little heart beat is just an amazing experience--good luck!
you are probably starting to feel movement. for me my earliest was wyatt at ten weeks and my latest was about 17 weeks. you're right in there. call me when it's over and let me know how it all went. and i'm going to need a heartbeat rate in exact number so be sure to get it.
YAY!! I'm so excited for you! That's so fantastic! So exciting. I confess that Paige told me, but I was still so excited to hear it officially. It sounds like you may have already made some official announcement that I missed, but whatever...still excited. Hearing the heart beat for the first time, is AS GOOD as Christmas, I'm not kidding. And when you find the gender out?? It's better. Have fun!
Can't wait to hear everything the Doctor said! I'm happy for you:)
Thats so exciting! But yeah i would love to come out and help with the festival!! My job now i work Monday - Friday from 9-1:30 so i can probably work sometime after that.. i usually get home at 2. and i dont work saturdays.. but saturdays are a little harder cuz we're building our house and thats the day we go out and get the most done plus saturdays are usually manditory for at least one of us.. but i can probably get away with taking off 1 or 2 saturdays if i know way ahead of time so i can get my husband to bring one of his brothers in my place! i know we could work it out! but yeah my number is 801-471-8940 if you wanna give me a call and we can schedual me in!
That is so exciting, you probably are feeling the baby, I'm so excited for you guys good luck at the Doctors and have fun listening to the little train of a heartbeat
awww Whitney, it's all so exciting and wonderful, you go ahead and be happy and enjoy every minute of it!
How fun...so excited for you! Hope you got something to help you with your nausea too! Can't wait to hear what the news is!!!
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