Monday, May 4, 2009

What's In a Name?

Whelp, people keep asking and I'm not one for privacy. I'm also not one who easily gets their feelings hurt over other's opinions on her taste (i.e. my entire life my mother says her "trick" for getting me something she'll know I like is going into a store and picking out the ugliest thing she sees.)

Therefore I feel emotionally prepared to tell the world (wide web) what we are planning to name our son. Yes son, for those of you who aren't very familiar with human anatomy the shot below is a crotch shot and the limb in the middle isn't a limb.

Presenting, the name:

Berkeley Aaron Lindseth


Berkley Aaron Lindseth

We haven't exactly decided, see we're naming him after Shawn's favorite cartoonist/inspiration Berkeley Breathed. I've never been a big fan of throwing in the extra syllables, you know sometimes people call me Whitaney. It's so annoying. And since we'd never pronounce his name with 3 syllables why throw in the extra letter???

But to truly be a name sake Shawn feels it has to be exact. He also thinks middle name, name afters are "a rip-off." I think he's a bit dramatic about it really. He is however being very open minded to ditching the "extra" e.

So that's it, take it or leave it. Oh, and we'll probably end up calling him Berk.


Marisha & Forrest said...

Cute, I approve =)
Ditch the extra e.
Congratulations again! It was fun to see you a couple weeks ago

Beckie said...

Cute! I am so excited for you! So how have you been feeling? I hope great and enjoying pregnancy.

Mary said...

Actually upon seeing it I think I like the extra e but i'm not emotionally invested either way. Hooray for little Berk.

beckie said...

I love it. Its different but not super trendy. Hooray for Berk!

Toni Ludlow said...

Cute!! I hate when you ask people if they know what they are naming their kid and its all secretive, lame. Thanks for coming to my shower!!

Jessica said...
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Jessica said...

I like your son's name. It's good because it's different, but not crazy-different and he won't be in a classroom with four other Berkeley/Berkleys.

P.S. - Your mom's "trick" is hysterical! I can totally hear her saying that.

laura said...

I REALLY like Berk! It works for a kid or an adult and sounds good with your last name. Cool inspiration for Berkley. I didn't think you guys had strong ties to Cali. and the only other thing I could think of was the dog from Sesame Street, but then I realized that was Barkley and I was fairly certain you weren't naming your child after a giant muppet dog. Anyway, quite impressive that you found a name you both agreed on so quickly! Now you just have move back home so he and Luke can be best friends.

Sommer said...

I see what you mean about the extra "e", I for sure like it better without it, very cute name!

Sechrist Family said...

Good job! I like it. Jared felt the same way about giving our kids family names and then Brock came along and Amber helped a little and I found myself with a Brock Henry!

...April* said...

I think it should be Berekeleeye.

I like it without the e. It doesn't look right, like it's spelled wrong on accident or something. And his whole life people are going to spell his name wrong and it will get OLLLLD. I'm sure Shawn will be happy enough with him being named after his idol, regardless if it's an "e" away. :)

Kathleen said...

i told emily the name and she looked at me and, very frankly, said, "that's a funny name". so, there you have least from emily. i like it with aaron as the middle name though--it fits. see you next week!

...April* said...

So there you have it! :D
Let me know how I can help you get the house ready for your company!

Sarah C. said...

I agree. Ditch the extra "e". Top notch choice.

Tracy said...

At least you have a name for your baby. My sister gave birth yesterday. Is home from the hospital and her other children keep asking what to call their new little sister. Very annoying!

molly said...

I love it! Good job, kids!

The Russell's said...

haha its kinda funny cuz i think i was already preggo when i went off on my rant.. i just didnt know it yet.. surprise! haha how are you doing? are you still sick?

Mendy said...

You do realize that Berkeley Breathed goes by "Berke" with that pesky extra "e" attached? I'm just saying...

Kate said...

So I'm a little behind in the blog world...well congratulations on your little up and coming baby boy! You will be such a funny mom, I can't wait to hear your stories :) And how great you are having a boy. They are way better than girls ;) But I am biased. Anyway hope your pregnancy is going well!