Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I Just Saw a Woman on the News Crying...

because the President of the United States of America gave a speech.

Let me say this; I did not vote for Barack Obama. If I could turn back time, I'd still not vote for Barack Obama. I disagree with a lot of his views. But my goodness, he's the President of the United States of America and if he would like to give a speech and address the youth of the nation then for goodness sakes have enough faith in yourself as a parent to talk to your child yourself about your beliefs and convictions to know that your child isn't going to be completely altered if, Heaven forbid, Obama says something the least bit leftist.

AND, don't make a complete idiot of yourself crying on the news about it!!! What the heck is there to cry about? I remember my 5th grade math teacher telling us how great Bill Clinton was. I remember telling my parents and them laughing it off as, yeah well, he's a teacher of course he thinks that. GET OVER IT. You're giving Republicans a bad name and embarassing the rest of us for even being associated with you.

Thanks for reading my rant.


Mendy said...

Well said, Chica. I can't believe all the fuss over the leader of our nation telling our children the same thing prophets have said: get all the education you can. It's ridiculous and embarrassing.

Sommer said...

Oh my gosh yes!!!!! Me and Ashley were JUST talking about that last night. She's already had like three parents e-mail her and tell her not to let their kids watch it. Ashley's already read the speech, I guess they printed it off to let them read before hand, and she said it was very inspiring, and she is not an Obama fan. He just encourages the kids to do their best, and that they are the ones primarily responsible for their education, in no way does he press his beliefs on them. I think it's wonderful that he wants to encourage the kids to do better, adn I agree, all those other people against it are totally embarassing us and giving us a bad name. Very well said!

Kathleen said...

since emily rarely "allows" us to watch anything but pbs (cartoons), i did not catch the speech (or the news show where the woman cried). however, if it was a speech on the healthcare program, i may have cried anyway :-).

Stephanie said...

Wait wait wait. At first I thought you meant she was crying because she has an unhealthy crush on Obama like most of the rest of the country (think Chris Matthews reference to his "leg tingle" when he thinks about Obama). But then I remembered you live in Utah.

Love it Whit. You're totally right - it's GOOD to hear the opposition. Although his remarks were not controversial at all. I've asked all my cousins and little friends what they thought about the speech. I think it's important that we let them know that what they thought about the speech is important to us.

So there is my rant. :-)

Chynna said...

You mean you didn't cry? What's wrong with you? I thought you were pregnant?!?!

beckie said...

You republicans have to get your emotions under control and your use of permission slips too.

Ashley said...

Oh!!!! I could really rant on this one too! Like Sommer said, I had to send three kids to the office while we watched the speech. I am not a fan of him, but he is our president and we need to have some respect for him. I couldn't do what he does! Everything he said, the kids needed to hear. Heck... half these kids don't even hear how important education is from their parents. Who else are they going to hear it from? I could say so much more... but I don't want to get in trouble if the wrong people read this!

Candace said...

i love your rant it's what i've been saying all week long!!!! no need to get your panties in a bunch.