Saturday, October 24, 2009

Snappin' Away

Grandpa Lindseth requested more pictures, and as the only grandparent who hasn't yet met Berk I figured I should oblige. Everyone keeps saying he looks just like Shawn. I don't see it. I don't really see anyone, which is weird because I usually see resemblances pretty easily. I suppose its different when its your own child. It's ok though, at least they say he looks like a good lookin' man. (Click on the collage to enlarge)


Van Ry Clan of Layton Ave said...

Sweet pictures, he is adorable

Kathleen said...

so cute! he is a handsome little guy and he'll start "looking" like someone in the next few months. most newborns tend to look very similar :-)

Margie Quilter said...

he is very cute whit!!

Sommer said...

good you keep snappin away, he is adorable!

Beckie said...

I love the pics. He is so tiny and cute! I can't imagine holding something so tiny. My smallest baby was right around 8 lbs.

Ashley said...

I love him! I actually think he looks a lot like some of your nephews. I'm glad you put some more pics up! Keep them coming.

Apryl May said...

i love those pictures!!

Rebecca said...

We enjoy seeing Berk's pictures. He is growing so fast! Love the yawners.