Tuesday, February 2, 2010

2 Down, 2 Zillion To Go

January 26, 2010 was our 2nd anniversary. We were lucky enough to have Shawn's sister Amy volunteer to babysit for us to go to dinner and a movie. SO EXCITING!!! I'd never been so excited for dinner and a movie in my life. A date was certainly in order. I mean, we have people who say, call when you want a sitter...but I kind of feel awkward asking.

Anyway, Happy Sumo and Sherlock Holmes might as well have been The Rainbow Room and Phantom of the Opera as far as I'm concerned.

I love you Shawn, you are the best thing that ever happened to me and that's the truth. He is constantly telling me how much he loves me and he actually means it and I've seen enough crappy men to know I've got a super duper rare GREAT one.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Rice Cereal and then...The World

On January 20th we went in for Berky's 4 month check up and vaccinations. All was well, he's healthy as can be but the Doctor asked how he was sleeping. Through the night I informed him, and so he said there was no need to start solids yet. He told me that sometimes when babies are ready to start solids they'll start to wake up in the night because they aren't getting enough calories during the day. Well, Berkley must have been listening because that night he woke up about 4 times...and every night after that until we started rice cereal. Here are some fun shots.

All things considered he did really well. He didn't push it out and right away he was opening up for more, all good signs that he was ready I'd say. It sure is crazy how fast he's growing.