Monday, February 1, 2010

Rice Cereal and then...The World

On January 20th we went in for Berky's 4 month check up and vaccinations. All was well, he's healthy as can be but the Doctor asked how he was sleeping. Through the night I informed him, and so he said there was no need to start solids yet. He told me that sometimes when babies are ready to start solids they'll start to wake up in the night because they aren't getting enough calories during the day. Well, Berkley must have been listening because that night he woke up about 4 times...and every night after that until we started rice cereal. Here are some fun shots.

All things considered he did really well. He didn't push it out and right away he was opening up for more, all good signs that he was ready I'd say. It sure is crazy how fast he's growing.


Mary said...

You wait, you'll blink your eyes and his first birthday will have arrived.

Anonymous said...

He's such a cutie. Gotta love that stage where they let you feed them...when they start to become independent watch out! Yikes...jackson has a mind of his own when it comes to meal time. Most of it on the floor or in the dogs mouth. Uhg

Sommer said...

Man Berk could be a baby model, seriously no joke.

The Russell's said...

so did you get any shots at his 2 month appointment? I'm gonna wait til chloe is 4 months before i get her shots... i heard they handle it better..