Later that evening we had a shin dig at our place with aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. Berky was spoiled rotten by everyone and really surprised me with how into all of his new toys he was, and still is for that matter. Plus he got a whole new fall wardrobe! What a lucky kid.
I really can't believe I have a one year old. He is such a cute boy! He cracks Shawn and me up every single day. He loves to snuggle things like balled up blankets, pillows, and his huge stuffed frog that his Aunt Bethany got him for his birthday. Sometimes we lay our heads on this frog and make cooing, snuggly noises and he cannot resist. He stops whatever he's doing and comes to snuggle the frog with you, its so funny. He's a big boy who sleeps through the night, most nights, takes two naps a day, drinks his whole milk cold from a sippy cup, and uses his 2 1/2 teeth to try anything we stuff in his mouth. He's a walkin' fool who insists on going everywhere on foot. He points at everything so I'm hoping that all of the repetition of telling him what he sees will pay off with a first word soon! He loves to clap his hands to, If You're Happy And You Know It, and stick out his tongue and grunt along to, If All The Rain Drops Were Lemon Drops And Gum Drops and sometimes he'll even touch his head for Head Shoulders Knees and Toes. He also likes to comb his hair with the comb, put shoes on his feet, his, Shawn's and mine, and put the thermometer up to his ear. Isn't he a genius?!? We sure love him and can't wait to see what fun lies ahead being his parents!
Love the balloon picture! How cute! And I LOVE the pictures in the post below with the tomatoes!!! ADORABLE!
This is such a cute post and will be good to look back on to remember what he was like.
It sounds and looks like you had a great day! He's growing up quickly as all sweet babies do.
I'm guessing the animals were fond of shawn's musky scent.
Happy Birthday Berky!!!
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