Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I'm a Boy

For any of my sisters out there they know exactly what that means. In true Sechrist fashion...or is it from the Olson side?...we exaggerate and use this phrase to describe dun, dun, dun a hair cut, a trim no matter how insignificant.

Well this time I mean it. 6-7 inches is no trim friends.

I took in a picture of Jessica Simpson, whom I am not a big fan of but she does have good hair. I knew of course that I wouldn't look like Jessica when all was said and done but there were many elements of the cut that I liked. The bottom was blunt but there were layers at the bottom few inches, it seemed to have more layers throughout the back and longer straighter lines in the front. Please don't be confused, not an A-line thank offense to any of you with them they are just SO not me. Anyway, I also liked the length. It skimmed her collar bone.

Here is my hair (ironically I hate looking at my hair this day but this picture bests shows its damaged state) at my bridal shower in Utah with sisters-in-law Kim and Lindsey...

My hair was D-A-M-Damaged folks. It was time and I knew 2 inches wasn't gonna cut it so I thought, collar bone length it is. Problem:evidently Jessica has a longer neck than mine therefore her "collar bone length" is about 2 inches longer than mine, and sadly I fear that my hair is now at "cute" length. Kill me now. No lie. I'm a boy.

My nephew Easton (4 years old) assured me that I am in fact not a boy because a) my hair still looks like a girl and b) I have makeup on. He then kept encouraging me to go wash my face off. Thank you Easton.

I'm sure you're all dying to see pictures of my new 'do but I can't do it. Not yet. Give it time to sink in.


Anja said...

I've had super short hair before too, one of the nursery kids even told me I looked like her DAD! But hey, I got used to it, and it really didn't look that bad, but now I'm in the "growing it out" phase and I'm SOOO ready to chop it all off again! Good luck and I can't wait to see the photos!

Kathleen said...

haircuts can be hair used to cover my "girls". however much you hate it though, it sounded like your hair needed it. i always try to remember this when my hair gets cut shorter than i like: it's only hair, it will grow. can't wait to see pictures!! be brave and post 'em!

Mendy said...

I am so sorry that you are not pleased with the results of your recent sex-change operation. I bet you still look cute enough that Shawn can't resist I right? I thought so. And relax, you've got 3.5 inches on me.

Tracy said...

Excuse me? Did you see my picture? Your hair has to look better than my blast from the past. You should see Mendy's hair. It is super short and super cute. So get brave and let us see those blond locks! Just remember, it's always growing...

Mary said...

Upon moving to PA, I gave in too. I knew it was dead and I had the same problem. People say it looks cute, but I miss the length. Give me three months. And a trim that goes right and we'll be fine. Same with you.

S D Lindseth said...

It's a fohawk. Whitney done went and gave herself a fohawk.

Sechrist Family said...

RUDE!!!! You DON'T post that and NOT put a picture....instead you put one of me looking HOT! Not cool Whitney, get some balls and put your picture up!
I am sure you are BEAUTIFUL!!!! Even if it is a Fohawk!

Mindee Graver said...

What! You can't post that and not put a picture up!! I'm sure it is way cute on you, but your just not used to it yet. I have had my share of bad cuts, but in the end it always grows right!?