I've waited and waited hoping that soon I'd adjust to my new 'do and post a picture with pride. That moment has not come so here are a few pictures I post without pride. Shawn was the photographer (the mirror shot is his artistic voice) and even he said the pictures kept coming out weird because it would look normal and then he'd click and the image it brought back wasn't really normal. (Of course you can tell by my extended arm in the last one that I took that one but I was just trying to get in one good shot...not so much)
I don't love it. It's not a bad cut, she didn't do a bad job, I just can't get used to it. It doesn't feel like me. Oh well...if only I had an excuse to take pre-natal vitamins. HA!
First of all, you DO have an excuse to take prenatal vitamins--they are PREnatal, after all.
Secondly, your hair is utterly adorable. I don't know what you're talking about. You look so pretty, Whit...or my daughter wouldn't call you "Aunt Pretty."
I love it. And I fully anticipated not loving (please read visions of your "short bus hair do" from high school). It's adorable in every way. Take it back and post those pictures with pride!
You look adorable! I love the sweeping bangs. It is not that short. You want short, look at your OLDER sis. You have such a pretty face! Now go flaunt it!
Ohmygosh you don't look like a boy! Not even close, it's not NEARLY as short as you make it out to be! It's cute and you look adorable!
I think it looks great!! I also love your shirt....Target? I have it too in the SAME color!!! It's cause we are blonde, it's a good color!! I hope I get to see you this weekend....if Jared would EVER pee out that stone!!!
well, i didn't know you with long hair, but your "short" hair looks really great! one of my friends just chopped her hair too and it looks better than ever. long hair is nice, but overrated (and tough to care for!). oh, and according to my doctor, "any woman who is of child-bearing years should be on a pre-natal vitamin". so there!
I love your hair! It looks so pretty! I don't know what you're complaining about. Also, you totally look like you're striking a pose in that first photo!!
i think you're hot. really, it's not so short that it's short, but it's still totally chique. also you remind me of someone famous in the last picture and it's going to drive me totally insane that i can't figure who.
You look adorable just like you always have and you always will. It looks amazing. I love your hair. :)
You look like you just woke up in the last picture. Hot nonetheless.
Here is our blog link. DON'T lose it!
I like it. I can't wait to see it in person on Thursday!!!
I think you look adorable! JUST a-d-o-r-a-b-l-e!!!
you are also a daughter-in-law
You should see any hair cut I get. They're all terrible. Thta's what I get for having the back of my head being one giant cow lick.
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