Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Six Quirks Tag

My sister-in-law Kathleen tagged me and I have to name six quirks about myself...I don't really know what to say so it might take a while.

#1 I play with my eyelashes, I have since infancy. I literally used to suck my thumb and wave my pointer finger back and forth across my lashes. I do it so they tickle my finger tips, it's best with fresh mascara because you can feel it better. Yeah, I always have mascara crumbs under my eyes but its been happening for 26 years so what can you do.

#2 I love to be surprised. I hate it when I know what I'm getting for Christmas or a birthday before hand. I hate it when people tell me ANYTHING about a book or movie because I want to be COMPLETELY surprised. I like to try to guess and figure things out before hand but I never actually want to know. Ironically I'm not very good at acting surprised, I promise I like gifts I just don't think I show it very well.

#3 I need a lot of ice. A lot. When I say, "diet coke with a lot of ice" I mean it. I want my glass full of ice and then the drink may enter and if it isn't done this way I will ask my server to do it again. I have had them dump soda out at plenty of drive thrus and movie theaters for insufficient ice. Go ahead and think I'm rude but it really does taste different and I'm the one paying for it.

#4 I've been known to speak in many accents. I don't know why, and most of the time I don't even realize I'm doing it. I mean I'll randomly bust out in various American dialects as well as European, South American etc... for no reason at all.

#5 I cannot share frozen food or lolly pops with people. Why the heck would I want to lick anyone's spit? Especially their frozen to my popsicle spit. Excuse me while I gag.

#6 If I'm buying anything that costs more than say, $50 I'll shop around. I'll go to every store I can think of that would sell that item, I'll look on-line and then I'll contemplate how I can make it myself for less. I agonize over the purchase and get buyer's remorse before I even get home. You'd think I was really frugal and good with money because of this but I'm really not. I just want to get it for cheap so I can make excuses to buy more things.

I don't really know if these things count as quirks but it's the best I could do Kathleen. We'll say if your link is on my blog and your name starts with A, you're tagged.


Chynna said...

What can I say? You're just quirky!!

Chynna said...

What can I say? You're just quirky!!

Chynna said...

Sorry don't know why that showed up twice?

Tracy said...

You are so cute! I love your eyelashes quirk. And the ice thing cracks me up because my husband is totally the opposite. He asks for light ice all the time. He wants more soda and will dump ice out to get more drink. Fun learning more about you.

Sommer said...

I love reading tags, that was so fun! I've known you my whole life and I didn't know any of that about you! And those were definitely quirks!!

laninaki said...

I agree with you about the frozen foods/lollipops. Eeeewwww.

Kathleen said...

those definitely count as little quirks! fun, fun! thanks' for playing!!

Anja said...

did you watch survivor!?

Beckie said...

Wow that ice thing must be a family thing.

The Russell's said...

Actually my friend Erin tagged me, my real name is Mandi, not Amanda.. I get that alot tho.

laura said...

Very funny about the accents. It clearly runs in the family. Interestingly, the game Settlers brings it out in Adam without fail--usually Scottish.

kimberly said...

Oh I miss Whitney! I love all of your quirks! Really, you are just so fun. I especially love the eyelash rub. You are too funny.

miss u!