On Saturday we had the yard sale we'd been talking about for months. Shawn had 4 roommates before we got married and they didn't really take everything with them when they left. I'd warned them on more than one occasion that we weren't a storage facility and on Saturday my wildest dreams came true. (That's not to say we didn't have our own junk to sell, because we certainly did...someone though had a hard time letting go of any of his 11, yes 11 winter coats...)
It all started on Monday, Labor Day, Shawn and I both had the day off and we cleaned out our basement closet as well as our laundry room. We reorganized what we were keeping (Shawn and I both found out how many Christmas ornaments I really had) and we piled up the rest for sale. Shawn's old roommate Greg came over for his couch, his TV, VCR, DVD combo and his entertainment stand. (See sometimes threats do work.)
We purged. I was actually really surprised at the turnout since we'd been warned that yard sales in our area didn't work. We, in the townhouses are by far the paupers of our area, every other house within a 10 mile radius is at least a half a million dollar home and allegedly people who live in those homes don't shop yard sale. Go figure. I guess bright red lettered signs and posting on two websites paid off. See the fruits of our labor below.

Sweetness. I have never ever had a yardsale. Bella wanted to have one and I told her I would buy her stuff from her and then just give the stuff to DI or what have you so that I wouldn't have to have one. For a while it worked, but she is antsy again and this time she is not interested in my deal.
What's wrong with having 11 coats??
Love your gansta poses with the cash!
I'm so glad you got such fruit from your labors! Like you said, half a plane ticket isn't bad...
You are rolling in the dough! So glad you got rid of the roommates junk.
You need to go see Mendy's comment on my blog where you commented about school and boobs. She might've mentioned you :)
Nice way to make money....esp. if you unloaded somebody else's crap!
Way to go! So how many coats is Shawn down to?
You really cleaned house....I honestly couldn't believe all the people there when I walked by! Thanks for coming up and Sunday and bringing your delicious food! Mmmm that was great.
We need to do pictionary again! That was a blast! You and Shawn are quite the ARTISTS!!!!
FREE MONEY!! I love free money. The only problem with free money is that in your mind you spend it 4 times what you actually have in your hand.
Im glad you had a good turn out on your yard sale!! Im so going to bring you a picture of my house...from what I can see of the outside of your house, it looks just like mine!! And even the same layout inside!! HAHA
I would just like to point out that most of those 11 coats were purchased by the government, and are work related. I swore an oath on my first day in office to never part with any of them.
nice poses.who was your best costemer? - courtney
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