Here is some art that I have recently seen and been a part of (please excuse the lack of art in these pictures however...sometimes my crappy camera is cooperative and sometimes its not)
Here are some of my favorite gingerbread houses that my co-worker Gretchen and I saw at the Gingerbread Festival at Thanksgiving Point last week.
Star Wars, if you look through the trees you can see some Storm Troopers too.
This one was incredible and this picture does it no justice. There's the Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, the Empire State Building etc...
Not the best picture, not the best Gingerbread house, mostly I just put this one up because my sister-in-law Amy has a mild-to-medium sized obsession with Rainbow Bright.
Again, not the most well done Gingerbread house but the subject matter is something we can all get behind.
Here are the play dough creations of Courtney, Aubree, Shawn and myself from Thursday night. Easton didn't participate because he fell asleep during Home Alone. I know right? How can someone fall asleep during such an action packed adventure? I love Home Alone. Buzz, your girlfriend...woof.
Courtney made this spider in his web with his 8 eyes, 4 teeth and tongue sticking out to consume the fly he just caught. Very detailed indeed.
Aubree made this hot dog. Looks good enough to eat doesn't it?
Shawn made this dead man with a mustache. Yep, that's my husband.
And I made this octopus with a top hat and cane. I'm not sure why but he looks familiar to me. Does anyone remember ever seeing an octopus with a top hat a cane before? Maybe I knew him in another life.
Well, I hope you've enjoyed your journey into fine art. Happy Thanksgiving!!!