About six seconds after getting on he kept chanting softly, "off...off...off." Shawn was in the bathroom but I just kept laughing at him because I wasn't about to get him off when he wanted to get on so badly. He endured it for about a minute and his chanting got louder so I asked the girl to get him down. I laugh just thinking about his mumbled chant.
He did however LOVE this Jacob sheep. It was hard to tear him away to go look at the other animals.
We had a fun BBQ at Joel and Kim's on the actual holiday but I forgot to take any pictures.
After that we watched the Lehi city fireworks, which aren't that great but we packed a picnic and had fun with Aunt Amy and Uncle Luke. Kaden enjoyed the small ones we lit ourselves more than the ones in the sky. He was jumping up and down and basically get very giddy.
I really do enjoy our nation's birthday. We have a lot to be grateful for.
William is definetly jealous that you guys got to have fun with Kaden, he better get to Grandma and Grandpa Lindseth's soon so that the cousins can play!!
When Grandma was that age, you couldn't get her off the ponies!
The firecrackers were so fun!
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