Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Matchy, Matchy

I forgot to take before pictures, but my coworkers went in on an unfinished wooden high chair for me as a shower gift. I wanted something to match my kitchen and I knew I wouldn't find one...actually I looked and I didn't find one. The only wooden ones I saw were brown and my kitchen is black. I just didn't want something cartoony because everything else that has to do with baby screams baby and as a piece of furniture I thought it'd be great to scream, oh wow it matches. Yeah...I'm a dork.

So, I painted this bad boy black and whipped up some little cushions for Berk's tush out of the same fabric that I reupholstered my kitchen chairs in.

The result is super cute if you ask me...even if the back cushion turned out a little narrow.


Anja said...

I think it's adorable, I want one!

Unknown said...

So crafty and cute!

Mendy said...

Two words: ador-able! Love it, Chica! Another job well done. I can only imagine how much cuter your kitchen is now with this high chair in it.

Mendy said...

Two words: ador-able! Love it, Chica! Another job well done. I can only imagine how much cuter your kitchen is now with this high chair in it.

Van Ry Clan of Layton Ave said...

Wow Whitney, you could go into business, that is awesome

Mary said...

Crafty Crafty.

Anonymous said...

That chair is AWESOME! You could sell those things. It is very very awesome.

Chynna said...

turned out so cute! Cant believe how big he is! They grow to fast. Let's do something!

Sommer said...

Wow I am super impressed. I totally want one, you really could go into business, way way classy cool!

♥Haze♥ said...

That is so flipen cute!!!!! Your so creative!!!

Marisha & Forrest said...

How can you be so creative, self-efficient and talented? I just don't get it! The chair is beautiful

amibelle said...

It's totally matchy matchy. It looks great! I can't wait to see Berk sit in it.

Beckie said...

super cute!!!

kimberly said...

Wooden high chairs rock! This is going to be a piece of cake to clean...and since its so adorable, you'll be trying to keep it clean all the time! lucky you :) P.S. You are so talented. Why don't you live by me?

molly said...

I love this, Whitney! Great job.