Saturday, December 19, 2009

I'll Be Home For Christmas, If Only In My Dreams

So, I'm behind. I still haven't posted anything from our Thanksgiving in Vegas and Christmas is less than a week away. I'm happy to report that all of our gifts are purchased and wrapped...except for one that is still being shipped.

This really is the most wonderful time of the year but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little sad to be spending the Holiday away from my mommy and daddy. I'm a big baby when it comes to Christmas. I like traditions. I like my traditions. I'm 27 years old and every Christmas I can remember was spent at 96 Raypaula Drive. I'm 27 years old and every Christmas morning I wake up bright eyed (its the one day a year that happens) excited to see what surprises Santa has in store.

This year is going to be different, I'm sure it will be great, but it will be different. I'll be with Shawn's family. I 'm excired to spend Christmas with them, there's no one I love to tease more than my father-in-law but I won't be with my mom and dad. I won't be with my sister. I'll be seeing Christmas through the eyes of a mother for the first time and that will be really fun but also different.

I guess its just sad because I have to grow up a little and as the baby of eight, that can be hard to do. People always say the magic of Christmas is for children but I've always felt defensive about that. Christmas is for us all and I love the magic of it.

So Mom, Dad, Amber, have an extra special time opening presents on Christmas Eve, reading Luke 2 until you sing Glory to God all together, wake up to Santa's loot and a yummy funnel cake breakfast. Me? I'll be seeing a whole new world of traditions...and trying to keep Jack the fat cat from wondering in to sleep with me.

I hope this didn't bum anyone out, it wasn't meant to, just my thoughts. For a heart warming experience look at my sweet baby with Santa!!! Now that's a new tradition I can get behind.


Sommer said...

Oh Whitney I totally know what you mean. Brandon's first christmas (he was 5 months) we went to Palm Springs with all of Ben's family. I was way nervous because it was my first (and only thus far) Christmas away from my parents and we were going to be somewhere warm with palm trees, I thought it wouldn't even feel like Christmas. It ended up being one of my favorite Christmases..... I know what you mean though, it's really really hard being away from family. I also agrre with you about how Christmas is for everyone, not just kids.

Mary said...

I cried my first Christmas away, but hey maybe it'll be fun in a different sort of way. Berky's pic. Hate fake Santa beards though love real white neatly trimmed hair though.

Van Ry Clan of Layton Ave said...

Oh Whitney, I completely understand, I'm sure we will have a fun time though, we are going to bring Reilly and Bella so Jack will be out numbered, I can't wait to see how he reacts to Bella. Having Christmas with your own kids is the best too, it is what the magic is all about. I can't wait to meet Berkley, He is so adorable.

Kathleen said...

my first christmas away from home (back before we had children, thank goodness) landed us stranded in jfk airport trying to get to syracuse. it was horrible and i was homesick for family--mine or cubby's at that point! thankfully, looking back, cubby and i now get a good laugh at how crappy it was--and how much of a breakdown i had! (he's a much better traveller than me.) i'm sure you'll enjoy your time in michigan--dad lindseth IS fun to tease :-). (just don't call him out for cheating at cards--he won't play anymore after that!)

nicole said...

I'm gonna miss PA this Christmas too-I've spent a few away by now but its been a few years since I've done that and we are all on our own(as in just our "little" family of five) for Christmas this year. That is certainly a first. I'm 32 and I'm suddenly feeling a little mournful about actually being the "parent" this year. But in a lot of ways its fun too.

Amber said...

I'm confused why you think I can talk about this. I can't. And I don't have any medication to numb me to this. What about the traditional Christmas morning funnel cakes??? If I weren't already mad at your husband for "The Garlic Incident of the Summer '09," I would be now!!!!!!

Amber said...

As a side note, that baby looks so stinking kissable it made my lips pucker!

Unknown said...

aw whit!! that hats proven useful!! i just want you to know i love ya friend and i miss spending time with you busy mom!! Merry Christmas!! let's come up with an excuse to hang out! miss ya!!

Tracy said...

You get used to being away from family at holidays (tears) So just learn to shop for yourself to numb the pain. It totally stinks!
On the bright side, you have the cutest little baby to spoil!
Love the picture with Santa!

Anonymous said...

CUTE!! I Love Berkley! (if thats how you spell his name)love ya

Sommer said...

So how did your Christmas go?