Just a tad...that there is 100% pure woman.
Yup, Sovie...with an "o." We decided to change it from Sauvie to make her life a little easier. Everyone who asks her name already thinks its Sophie, Sofie or if I really enunciate the "v" Sylvie. All great names, none of them are her name. Anyway, we feel good about it and we are now committed. (My mom called and said it was about to go on her stocking so you don't get much more committed than that, its hand knit!)

From what I can tell, she's a mover and a shaker and resides mostly somewhere around my heart. I have had some crazy dreams lately. One about her being born about a month old and smiley and super cute with thick, dark hair. We shall see! I can't wait to meet her. I can't wait to not be pregnant anymore.
Great pictures! Hopefully Sovie will always reside somewhere near your heart.
Very womanly and I like Sovie Jane, especially with the au being replaced. You know because my opinion is the most important :)
You are sooo hot! Seriously, what the heck. I am crazy in love with your gorgeous hair and sexy heels. Plus that purple shirt is to die for. Love you! And I am also crazy about SOVIE! I think the o is way better anyways. Give me some boy name ideas!!!
You are smokin'!!
great pictures! you look great! hang in there--those last ten weeks are killer!
you look hot! I love the name too, very cute
Whitney you are so pretty! It almost makes me wish I was pregnant again so I could look as good as you do and that's saying a lot because I hate being pregnant! Such a cute outfit you're wearing too! I love the stockings that your mom does. We have our hanging up and they make me smile every year I hang them up.
Love it! I have a dancer, shaker, mover, crazy in my belly too. You really do look great!
What? I didn't know pregnant could be so cute =) Very cute name, too!! And I want those heels, too, but I would most likely fall!
About stinkin' time. Completely beautiful! Now get that voluptuous body back east where it belongs.
I cannot believe you are wearing those heels at 29 1/2 weeks pregnant. I wear heels approximately never, and I'm nowhere near pregnant.
Looking good, Whit. Looking good.
You really look so GOOD! I can't believe you only have (less than) 10 weeks!!
You are one hot mama!
Hope you start feeling as good as you look!
You are one hot mama!
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