This was a kind of crazy weekend for a few reasons. Shawn had two friends come in from out of town to stay with us, I had to work on Saturday at an Easter event with 4,000 people, many of them were cranky, Shawn and I both had to speak in church and Shawn's sister Amy and my brother Joel and their families came over for Easter dinner and of course, the Easter Bunny came and hid eggs in the yard while they were distracted playing video games in the basement. Top it all off with the fact that I had to take Shawn to the airport for a work trip this morning and yeah, I'd say it was kind of crazy.

This picture is of Shawn's friend "Worm" and me. We went to the batting cages on Friday at Boondocks. The one below is Worm and Shawn. After the batting cages we went Go-Karting. I don't think Shawn even knows that I took that picture, it was a lucky shot because I just held the camera up behind me, the 16 year old running the show had already buckled me in.

And then a bunch of Shawn's friends and I tried to pick a movie. I tried to tell Shawn he could just go play with his friends and I'd stay home but he wanted me to go. The problem was trying to find a movie we could all agree on. Who knew none of them would want to see Penelope???
Sucks being the only girl. As it turned out anyway they picked Shutter which I wouldn't see because the older I get the more I can't handle the horror genre. Weird right? But I seriously can't sleep, I freak out. It's just not worth it. Horton Hears a Who was playing at the same time so I went by myself while they went to Shutter.
On Saturday I worked and it wasn't all that fun. I got locked in a trolley by myself for 1/2 hour. Fun for me. Then I went home and worked on my talk, Shawn and I got groceries and Easter supplies for the next day. After that we went bowling with a bunch of Shawn's friends where I somehow bowled the ball into the side of my own knee. OUCH!!! It still hurts. But I think it's such a deep bruise you can barely see the black and blue. About two frames later I dropped the ball behind me as I swung/swinnged whatever it is. What the heck? It felt like I was living the bowling scene in a terribly predictable movie.
On Sunday we both spoke. It went well, I'm pretty sure. Do people tell you you did a good job just to be nice? Who knows. I spoke on the actual word Resurrection and what it means for us. Shawn spoke more on the resurrected Christ so it was pretty nice that we didn't really over lap. Everyone came up for dinner, Kim made mashed potatoes and deviled eggs (which I can't wait to get home and eat more of), Amy made cupcakes and I made ham, corn, rolls and a salad. There was PLENTY of food. I think I made Joel take home 3 pounds of ham. Literally. I guess I'm just not sure how to cook for that many people.
I totally forgot to take pictures of the Easter Egg Hunt. Sad. But the kids really did have a good time. There were gummy "Easter Bunny Teeth" in some of the eggs and Courtney stuck them in and it was pretty hilarious. Easton was really funny while he was hunting. I held him up so he could snag a bag of sour watermelons from the branch of a tree and he said through laughter, "oh that Easter Bunny, I never thought he would put that candy up there!" in a very sing-songy voice. Joel and I thought it was pretty funny.
So that's that. It was a fun weekend. Hope I didn't bore you with the details. Now Shawn's gone until Thursday so if anyone wants to play let me know. Although hardly anyone who reads this lives near me.
Whitney, you are so funny, I love to read your blog and hear your commentary on your own life. You make me laugh!
you guys are sure busy! it reminds me of when cubby and i were first married--the activities that didn't revolve around the kiddos. i'm totally with you on the horror stuff--i can't even watch the previews that they show on tv--too scary! i hear "horton" is good though!
We went bowling last night, when we had Gia babysit for free. I bowled a 136, my best score EVER. Jared beat me both time, he scored 176. I am proud to report that I KILLED him in airhockey. It wasn't even close. Oh, and I too have smacked myself in the leg with the ball. It's easy to do. :)
How fun to have all those friends. I agree with you on the scary films though. I can't stand watching them now, so I don't. I love bowling, as long as the bumpers are up! Hope your leg gets better.
You certainly had a busy busy weekend, Whit! I think you are a fabulous auntie to host Easter complete with an egg hunt. Can't wait for you and Shawn to move to Scranton so we can all Easter together on the east coast. Hee hee.
My kids got those gummy teeth at one of their egg hunts too. Joshua put them in backwards and then upside down so I had to show him how to do it. They all thought that was hilarious.
whitney: i'm saying "it's ok." now, a couple of things about this post...
1. no way would i see shutter--i would've come with you
2. get used to that outfit dale is wearing in those pictures, because you're gonna be seeing the same combo for the rest of your dale-lovin' life
3. shawn's hair looks fuller in these pictures than it has in years. i assume you're responsible for this, so well done!
4. it's starting to look like "the lindseth family history" may not end up consisting mainly of poop jokes and 18 ways to say "vagina". well done, again.
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