My sister Amber was in town on a work trip last week and what a time we had. When Amber and I get together the Pennsylvania accent comes on real strong (please read with inflection). We're pretty sure we annoy everyone around us and we definitely giggle as they attempt the PA hick talk. Not everyone has the gift we've been blessed with.
As much fun as Amber has talking like a hick, she definitely doesn't enjoy hick-like past times. Including but not limited to going to National Parks to look at wild life. (I told her that she should just pick Park City and Shawn would be fine with it but she left it up to him and this is where we went.) Yes this is a big shot of my hind end and no Shawn is not struggling to hold me.

We dipped our toes in the Great Salt Lake where they say the largest living organism is the brine shrimp (or sea monkey.) Well, that might be so...in the water...but right at the shore where they bird poop filled sea touches the sandy shore there are gnats a' plenty and as you walk into the water they part like the Red Sea. I promise you this is not an exaggeration. Amber wanted to die and in her opinion she still could because she's convinced she caught something from the less than sanitary water. I put in this picture of Shawn's foot so that maybe if you click on it to enlarge you'll see what Amber was calling "loogies" floating on the top of the water.

On the bright side we saw many buffalo (which Amber practically wanted me to hop on the back of in the manor of 8 Seconds) and a few antelope and maybe even burned off a few calories hiking around.

In the picture of you and your sis...you guys look so much alike, its crazy!!! That water looks kinda discusting but not near as discusting as Utah Lake! haha
Oh, I'm with Amber -- yuck. You probably all caught something in that water. How fun to have some sister time though. Of course he's not struggling to hold you -- light as a feather!
I heard about this trip on Labor Day from Amber minus the hick accent part!
antelope island? in all my years living in utah, i've never heard of it! 'glad you had some fun with your sister!
ps what are you and shawn doing for thanksgiving? come visit us!!!
I will not apologize for what I consider to be a very legitimate fear of receiving some sort of cancer from infected waters. Plus I think I was very brave when the red eyed lady attacked me. Where's my credit for that??
Looks like you had fun with your Sis! We should have had you for dinner! What were we thinking? Let us know next time and we can plan a little get together!
I have always wanted to tromp out to the salty lake....I hear it is a deliciously exciting time floating around out there! Maybe at night though, so you can't see the loogies?
Whitney! I am so happy you found me! It has been forever since I've seen you! I had fun checking out your blog, your life is entertaining. Especially imagining you as a beet farmer with Dwight Shrute. You are funny. I am adding you to my blog roll so I can catch up with you every now and then. So write some more funny things :)
the great salt lake is truly a nasty nasty place, but still antelope island sounds cool. there are few things more annoying than a pa dutch accent--a gift, indeed.
I can honestly say I hate antelope Island and I will never go there again! But it looks like you guys had fun!
That is too funny. When Jason and I went out to Arkansas yeah he totaly got the acsent back as soon as he was around his family. For some reason I ended up getting Amy's little acsent when I'm around her. She has her own little acsent that I love.
Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun though with your sister. I totaly remember the salt lake setting it was pretty gross, but it was still fun. lol
This whole experience makes me laugh SO hard! I'm so glad you helped your sister along in God's country!!
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