On Friday morning I had a girls-butt-crack-before-dawn-out with the Ellis women (Lindsey my brother's wife, her sister Toni and their mother Jenny) We really did get some killer deals (we better have since we were out the door by 4:40). First we went to Toys R Us and decided that no deal, no matter how great was worth standing in a line that wrapped through the entire perimeter of the store. Then we headed to Walmart, got a few things and then...then we went to the mall. The mall was GREAT! I couldn't believe how not crowded it was. I think really early everyone hits the stand alone stores and then the mall goers head out in the late morning. Being there at 7ish we got incredible deals, had an incredible selection of goods and had little to no lines in every store (except Bath and Body works...that one was REALLY long).
After we got back from shopping, around 10:30 I think, Shawn wanted to take a turn. He came back after about 2 hours and said that the stores looked empty they were so picked through and he also said that the line of cars trying to get into the mall was ridiculous. Waking up really paid off. And, even though I was totally exhausted Shawn humored me and we headed out to pick up our tree. It's a really beautiful tree. Here's a plug for Thanksgiving Point: this is the first year that they have ever had Christmas trees but they really do it right, they sawed off the bottom 2 inches, drilled a hole up the bottom and tied it to the roof with their own twine. I've never had such a full service Christmas Tree buying experience. And, it really is a gorgeous tree.
On Friday evening Shawn and I went to my friend Lauryn's reception and then to her sealing on Saturday. They did things a little backwards but it was great for them I'm sure. Lauryn hired someone who specializes in decorating church cultural hall receptions and it was beautiful. She was a very beautiful bride and I'm sure she and Jonny will be super happy.

I love your new header picture and the last picture of you and Shawn, such a good lookin couple. You'll have to post some pictures up of your christmas decorations.
i'm glad you all had such a nice thanksgiving weekend--and that you like real trees :-). i want a picture of this beautiful tree once you have all of the decor on it!
What a fun and busy Thanksgiving you had. So glad your turkey turned out yummy. I only had to do potatoes and I screwed that up. I couldn't force myself to get out of bed at 4:00 a.m. Good for you getting some good deals. You and your hubby look very cute.
Love the recount of the weekend. I respect you more than ever for trying to buy the boys' affection with a Wii. Well done. Frankly, I don't know who you are when you speak of getting out of your house by 4:40 in the morning. It's like you've snatched my baby sister!!
I love that picture of us. I need a copy.
You look fantastic and wish I could try your leftovers!
We've done the black friday shopping too, not this year though it is a lot of fun when you can get great deals, I've had to practice making the turkey so that i don't embarrass myself, we had a trial run Thanksgiving with the missionaries before, luckily they didn't complain
love the "after" shot of Thanksgiving dinner. you really don't see enough of those.
also love your friend's wedding dress; very pretty.
Love the new pic...and I am just going to call you MARTHA, I know I always tell you that but that is pretty much the definition of Whitney Lindseth..
enough with the 'pretty' talk because you my friend are gorgeous. serious, hate your guts for that. :)
looks like a super thanksgiving!
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