I started out gardening in a tank top to get some sun. I didn't think that I was out there that long. I was wrong. I suffered the rest of the weekend. Excuse the pornographic shot, but it was bad.

Saturday was Shawn's birthday. He turned 34...seems to me he should start having kids while he can. Am I right or am I right? In the morning I made us French Toast and Shawn opened his presents. Then we went back to bed. Then we got ready for the day and went down to the Joel Sechrist's where we had a wonderful McDonald's lunch (don't judge me it's Shawn's favorite restaurant.) And we had birthday cake with them, another Shawn request...Chocolate cake from Costco. It really is so freaking good. And we'll probably go see them again tonight one last time before they wisk their kids away to the other side of the world.

After that we went to see Shawn's sister and her son and their cats. Holy crap do they have cats. I forgot to take a picture at their house which is a shame because Kaden sure loves his Uncle Shawn. We lucked out in pawning off the rest of the chocolate cake to them and then we headed home for Shawn to draw guilt free and I started to work on the chair I'm redoing.
I had one last birthday suprize for him, his favorite casserol that his mom makes. I called her and got the recipe and then sent him to the store to pick up some soda so I could make us an outdoor table setting with candles. The soda was for the mojitos I made, I thought they were pretty fun. Why do drinks seem so fancy when they have fruit and leaves floating in them?
I don't think he really cares about candles...espcially since it's light outside until practically 10 oclock these days but I thought they were fun.

Overall I think he had a good birthday and we just had a nice relaxing weekend.
Man you got Fried! Is it peeling all over now? I love the picture with all the kids, I'm gonna miss those guys too~
You know what my motto is regarding burnt skin? What's burned today is tan tomorrow! Wise words. Nice work on your hubby's birthday dinner. (I must warn you of someting - I was once like that, too, trying to come up with new stuff and going to much trouble, but eventually the novelty will wear off.)
Put on the sunscreen! There's a lady that's been to our ward with half her nose cut off because of skin cancer -- sunscreen, young lady, wear it!! Happy Birthday to your old man. Better start getting those babies out now while everything still works :)
oh, happy birthday,shawn! 'sounds like you guys had a great day!
a little advice on the baby thing though---ENJOY being a married couple for a little bit longer!! it'll never be that way again and, if you're naive like i was, i had no idea how much work having a baby/children of my own actually is. i wanted to start having kids like, 3 months after we got married. thankfully, cubby made us wait 2 yrs b/4 emily came along. don't rush things--you're both still young...in body and heart!
look at you good little wife. and burned little wife. Maybe I should start gardening in a tank top-I have some seriously bad farmer tan lines on my arms.
What an awesome wife. For Jon's birthday I just showed up at the airport this year!
Ouch, ouch, and more ouch.
Nice back. Looks like somebody needed a little protection from the rough elements outside!
Happy birthday to my favorite Class of '92 brother-in-law! You're a cute wifey to make his day so special.
I can't believe your sunburn! It matches your sisters from our pool last weekend. Wish you were here to join us set goals and save money poolside!
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