So on Friday I had my first full day off in a while and thankfully I didn't let it go to waste. I weeded, I planted, I played with the neighbors puppy, I hung up our wedding pictures (finally) with frames I had just gotten on sale at Target (good deal), I finished reupholstering the chair I started quite a while ago (it really didn't take very long after all), I cleaned some bathrooms, Shawn and I saw Get Smart, went to the Olive Garden with George and April, and then we just relaxed with some ice cream cones on our front porch.
It was a good day and it felt really good to get all those things checked off of my list. This chair isn't much but it was an old office chair that Shawn's roommate left and Shawn wanted to throw it away but I thought it would be a fun project. Now it sits in our living room. Not where it's shown of course, but I was just trying to show the new wedding photoed frames in the same pic as the chair. See, I'm going green.

So cute, can't see the actual wedding pictures, which sucks since I live far away and will probabaly never see them. Email me your ten favorites.
Way to get so much done! I agree with Mary...I'd love to see more wedding pics! :)
What a fun adventure. And your friends are dirt bags for not recognizing what was being offered to them!
what's your email address? I'm going private. Email me at jchappy05@aol.com
I'm jealous that you saw Get Smart....I have to save money to go to a movie AND pay for a sitter so I have to pick and choose which movies to see, and thus far, the new batman is winning out so I'll have to wait for the DVD to see Get Smart.
I dont know if you changed your background or i just never saw it on the stupid work computers but it's so cute I love it!!
I love the background. How did you do that?
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