Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Day 3 of the Runs

I haven't had a solid BM in 3 days. Any suggestions? I'm sure you're all glad to see I chose not to add a picture to this post.


Jessica said...

First of all, thanks for sharing the news. Aren't you supposed to do the BRAT diet for this: Bananas, rice, applesauce, toast. I think it's supposed to help. Good luck!

Toni Ludlow said...

AWESOME POST! However I have no clue what you should do, Good Luck w/ the Runs!

Kathleen said...

okay, just a little too much information there, eh, sis! i would suggest the BRAT diet as well. cubby says to eat raisin bran and anything with fiber. oh, and pepto bismal too. (can you tell we've also had some experience with this area??) good luck!

laura said...

yeah, i have two suggestions. first, could you never use the term BM again. second, use that last bridal shower gift i gave you. i only live up to the sechrist bowels when i'm preggo. :)

Mendy said...

Quita would send her new boyfriend out to buy her some ant-diarrheal.

This is totally Amber's area of expertise.

...April* said...

BRAT diet and cheese and bread baby! then lots 'o fiber to even it out. I WOULDN'T suggest spicy Chinese soup. ;)

Mary said...
