Saturday, October 4, 2008

Blessed Day

It's been raining all day. I realize to most of you in the East it doesn't sound that thrilling but here it is a rarity. I'm really enjoying the cleansing affect rain has on the whole outdoors. I don't remember it ever raining straight through for as long as it has today here. I like it.


Ashley said...

There is nothing better than cozying up in a blanket and listening to the rain. I'm glad that you were able to enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

You would love it here then. It rains all the time....although not the cleansing effect you would hope for.... it just brings all the polution down to breathing level. Easton had been outside at t-ball practice and when we got home and walked into the airconditioned lobby he took a deep breath and said "Ahhh, fresh air!!"

Mary said...

Congrats on the rain. I always love it.

laninaki said...

It DID rain longer than usual...I liked it too. I read all day. :)

Monica said...

If you are interested in participating, I tagged is kind of like the one you did a few weeks ago but it is not Quirks....if you would rather not expose random facts about yourself that is big deal!!

Mendy said...

You live in a freaking dessert. Come home to the land of green already.

Sommer said...

Ah yes I enjoy a good rain every now and then too.

Tracy said...

My goodness, Mendy sounds like she wants you to come back home. Enjoy your rain.

Amber said...

I concur with Mendy and am willing to start a petition to that effect.