Ok, so that wolf pumpkin Kaden (my nephew, Shawn's sister's son) and I did was about 2 weeks ago and wilted beyond recognition already (don't be fooled by the intricacy of the wolf pumpkin either, it was done using a pattern and a kit). We have also lost other pumpkins due to squirrel uprisings and rebellions in our area. SO...here are some more, that we have taken inside and will only be put out on All Hallows Eve. Yeah, we're stickin' it to the rodents. Please take special note of the pumpkin in the middle. The mouth was done by a squirrel which Shawn caught in action, he opened the door and shouted "ooga booga" to frighten the thing away. Then he sprinkled pop rocks where the squirrel had been chewing because he thought it would be funny. It really kind of is when you try to imagine what a squirrel who has just lapped up some pop rocks would be thinking. Oh wow, tangent...yeah, so the one in the middle the squirrel carved a big round whole in and ate the guts out of so, I gave it creepy death eyes and there you have it, a relatively effortless jack-o-lantern. Now that's turning the squirrel problem into something useful, is it not?

The witch in flight is mine, the evil eye one is Shawn's. Enjoy.
I love carving pumpkins! I do it every year.. and its gonna stay that way! haha i like your pumpkin by the way. cute!
I just think it is absolutly hilarious that you have animals eating your pumpkins!
Cool Pumpkins, Kirk and I had done extravagant ones when Will was little, but this year we decided to go a little easier on the pumpkin carving, cause kids and knifes don't mix(at least not in our house), So Shawn has yet another talent, talking to squirrels...
showing off your pumpkins to make everyone else feel less creative is really unChristlike. I do NOT appreciate that kind of manipulation.
Ooga booga? I'd be scared too. Your pumpkins are great!
That is hilarous, I wish I could have been there to hear and see the squirel eat the pop rocks. You guys are so funny!
Your pumpkins are now my Halloween background for the computer. Thanks
I went back to look at the pictures again. Maybe I'll use the refridgerator or bathroom one next!
I love that you salvaged the squirrel-ravaged pumpkin. Waste not want not, I always say.
The witch in flight in the starry sky is awesome!
Beautiful pumpkins from a beautiful girl for a beautiful occasion.
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