The Sink: Not too bad...

The Fridge: Well, who's fridge is organized anyway?

A Bathroom: This is the upstairs bathroom that isn't ours...we'll call it the "guest bath" ha

Favorite Room: Truth be told my favorite room is whichever I have most recently painted or decorated which would be the bedroom except that I've been Halloween decorating for a small little get together we're having tonight so I think the kitchen wins right now.

A Closet: This is my side of our closet. I'm not going to lie, I did remove the dirty hamper before I took the picture but no one wants to see my dirty underwear right?

Laundry Room: Nothing special here. Had this picture been taken before Labor Day you probably wouldn't even be able to see the machines. Sad to admit.

Favorite Shoes: As soon as I asked myself this question out loud I knew, I KNEW which ones would win. Isn't it funny how often our favorite things are the oldest least glamours things we own? Well I love these Vans, I love how they look, I love how they feel, I love that I can just throw them on AND I love that I STILL get compliments on them even though the bottoms are wearing so thin I might be touching the ground soon.

Self Portrait: I started to take one myself but Shawn wanted to help. So here you go, a picture of me and the girls. LOL.

Kids/Pets: Ain't got no, Suckas.
Dream Vacation: Yes mom, I know it's not in the most ideal part of the world but I have longed to go to Egypt since I did a huge project on its history in 7th grade. I really, really want to go. Bad.

Oh yeah, and I tag, Mandi and Chynna.
Learning so much about you -- like you need to buy more fruits and veges. Your bins are empty in the fridge. You're very into decorating for whatever holiday is happening. Oh, the guilt -- I'm just waiting for Christmas. And Mendy is right -- your boobs are huge!
I'm a little disgusted that your house is that clean without warning. We're having friends over tonight and the house is not nearly that clean. Blame it on the kids??? Nah, mostly my laziness.
Love your party decorations, Chica! And you know I love your high, huge boobs.
Tracy, there are apples and bananas on the counter I swear. I just don't refridgerate all of my produce!
k so you never officially tagged anyone.. so i will probably steal this tag from you and "tag myslef" if i happen to get bored one day.. so just fyi. haha anyways you house is super cute!! i love the decorations
haha yeah its probably a good thing that i spent the whole day scrubbing down my house! haha
I think we have the same knives! Love the decorations and your house is clean!
Haha I would love to do your tag but I can't! We dropped and broke our camera in NYC! So I can't take any pictures, im so sad! P.S. Your kitchen looks just like mine, with the cute out above the sink. Come over to my house and see it when you are bored at work!
Love the decor! I remember the bathroom and wish I could come to be a guest again real soon!
K there is no way I would like this closet alone would be the scariest sight EVER!!
Thanks for coming down the other night...sorry it took so long to "get the party started" those technical difficulties were no fun. Breakfast tomorrow morning Lindseth's need to come!
What a fun post! It was fun to get a closer glimpse into your life!! I would say you are pretty organized and clean!
The dining room looks adorable! I love the decorations.
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