Friday, October 10, 2008

Extreme Makeover: Bedroom Edition

Shawn went out of town this week, from Sunday to today. He was gone for work and in order to keep myself busy and to try and surprise him I gave our room a makeover that he still has no idea about. (he's still driving back)

I forgot to take before pictures until I had already taken all of the "art" out of the room. (2 8x10's of snapshots and a half sheet of yellow paper in a frame, no lie)I also had started to take the bed apart but really, these pictures pretty accurately portray what our room looked like before.

Basically everything is new except for the bedding, the dresser and the tables. I got some great deals from stuff at work, Walmart and Ikea AND my awesome boss took the mirror that I had in my room and made a the frame for it you'll see in the below pictures, I painted it black and I think it looks so great. And let's be honest, paint changes EVERYTHING.

The only thing missing from the after pictures is the chandelier that my neighbor George is nice enough to be hanging probably as I type. I hope you like it because I LOVE it. And I really hope Shawn likes it.


Anja said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the color you picked, very nice! I love how much just the right color of paint can look so good!

Mendy said...

It's even better than my wildest imaginings. Seriously, it looks fabulous. That split pea soup paint color looks great with your bedding. I love all the black accents. Well done, Little Sister, well done!

Amber said...

You are such a big girl! Everything looks so great. Especially the part where the half-sheet of framed yellow paper has been removed from the wall!! I can't wait for his reaction. Tell all.

The Russell's said...

I am loving it!! I'm definitly going to have to have you and Chynna come help me decorate my house when we build it.. im not too good at that stuff haha

Mary said...

Okay so I am deathly afraid of color and so in a million years I wouldn't dream of that color, but it looks awesome.

Ranae said...

Hi! My name is Ranae Redford and I grew up with your husbands family in Liverpool, NY. I have been searching for Bethany for a long time with no luck and was wondering if maybe you could help me get a hold of her?? If you dont want to give me her number, mine is 801-814-3885. Thank you so much!!
-And tell you husband Nicole Smith and I said hello.

Ranae said...

Oh yeah and we love your bedroom!

Nicole said...

I am the Nicole that Ranae refers to. Ranae was blog stalking and found our old buddy Shawn. We have many a memory of early morning seminary together. I remember Heleman 5:10 from "the ROCK!" days of seminary. My blog is Also checked out your wedding pics. Beautiful! Where are you originally from? Loved the DC temple! Tell shawn hey for me!

laura said...

Couldn't help noticing that it exactly matched your blog. Was it your muse?
It really looks great!

Sommer said...

Whitney I am so impressed, you painted that all by yourself??? YOu are such an inspiration, I've been wanting to repaint our ugly living room but I'm to scared, but you really made me consider doing it, paint really does change the whole look, your room looks fabulous! PLEASE take pictures and write about Shawn's reaction, I can't wait to hear!

molly said...

great color. it works so well with the dresser and carpet, and makes those baseboards POP.

Cyndi said...

Hi Whitney, I love your room makeover. That's a really fun idea, we'd all love to know what Shawn's reaction is!

Ashley said...

Wow! Your room matches your blog perfectly! Very stylish! I can't wait to hear what Shawn's reaction is. Way to be independent!

Van Ry Clan of Layton Ave said...

I think you have to come to my house and redo my bedroom, you did a GREAT JOB the change is amazing

Anonymous said...

Hey. It looks awesome. I do love the bedding! No, seriously, thank you for all the treats you are so kind. Everything that I like and Jackson too. Hey, I wonder why the Philippines does not show up on your map, mayb because it is so so far away. We love you and miss you both. Hello Uncle Shawn!!! From Easton

Unknown said...

That color looks great and I love that wall art above your bed!! Everything goes together so well! Way to go!

Chynna said...

YAY im glad you posted pictures!! I never would have thought to do that color with the bedspread! But it really looks so good!! Now you have to help me pick out paint for my room! HAHA I love it!

Beckie said...

You rock!!!

Kathleen said...

i agree w/sara--our bedroom needs some definite help too. your's looks great and i'm sure shawn will agree.

Melinda said...

Love it Whitney! We're in some half-way state of finishing up our bedroom. We painted it blue-gray. We have a funky color comforter to work around though. It's gray, white, and orange. I like how you put the colors of your room together. I'll have to check out Ikea and Walmart for wall art. Our walls are bare and boring!

The Wiseman Life said...

k you are quite the decorator....I need you to come and help me!! The room looks fabulous. I am sure it was a great surprise!

♥Haze♥ said...

So I skimmed through all the posts, but I didn't see if Shawn liked it or not. I'm sure he likes any thing that you do.

The room looks great, I'm a little afraid of color too so I end up just painting one or two walls with color. It looks great and you did that by your self? wow great job.

Rachelle said...

someday when i buy a house please come over and help me paint.

it's oh-so-romantic now!