A few days after getting pumpkins:

Oh, how cute...hee hee, something nibbled on our pumpkin.
A few days later:

Oh, wow...some body's really hungry!
A few days after that:
Holy Freaking CRAP!!! Lay off my FREAKING pumpkins you rabid mongrels.
And that is the story of why I'll kill any squirrel who steps foot on my porch. You hear that squirrels? We're on a shoot first apologize later policy now friends!!!
Hilarious! I do love the ribbons on it though. I can tell that the pumpkin DID look cute.
Holy random post! :)
I actually did see a Squirrel running from porch to porch the other day. I'll tell you what, that thing has probably got some heinous gas!
p.s. If you start paying me $8/hr plus commission to hang out with you, I'll quit my night job. Nay, I'll even take the $8/hr with NO commission. hmm? hmmmm? ;)
We get off at 8. I KNOW you don't go to bed THAT early. And we don't work in the evenings on Friday... wanna plan something?
Perhaps it was a raccoon, because that was some serious damage. He he.
LOL, that is the funniest thing I've seen all day!
Holy crap is right! They ruined a gorgeous ribbon-decorated pumpkin. Maybe you should sprinkle chili pepper on it like Mendy did to keep her racoon away. Good luck on your goal to kill a squirrel.
That is freaking hilarious! Who does that!?
lol no way! I was laughing so hard. Your and Sean and so funny. K well I have my pumpkins outside and they haven't been eaten yet....but I think I am going to bring them inside just as a precaution.
You know what them squirrels are good for - squirrel pot pie. That's just good down home eatin'!
You know what them squirrels are good for - squirrel pot pie. That's just good down home eatin'!
I do medical reception and luckily I worked in this town before my babies were born so I have connections!
Crazy rodents! Your bedroom looks absolutely awesome, by the way!
That is so funny. We've had a pumpkin on our front step and back patio for days and there are squirrels all over the place, and not one bite. Utah vegetation clearly leaves those suckers begging for more. Sorry they took it out on your cute and also festive pumpkin.
That is really funny, are you sure that it wasn't Shawn? I remember that happening to our pumpkins when we were little, funny thing was we lived in the desert and Shawn always smelled like pumpkins for days
haha your poor pumpkins!! That is hilarous!!
I love the ribbons, perhaps squirrel feeders may help?!
I have never seen anything like that! Crazy!
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