Last night was the Thanksgiving Point employee party. There was dinner, there were prizes and then there was Corn Maze madness. Kind of.

Being on the party planning committee is always fun except for when they make you basically be the MC at the last second. I drew out the names for the prizes and called out, "the $70 spa treatment gift certificate is foooor....um, me." Felt a little silly in front of 600 people but whatever.

We had fun running through Cornbelly's corn maze which is in the shape of David Archuletta this year. How ridiculous! Chynna (that's sheena not china) and her husband Todd wandered around with us and we really had a good time. Todd enlisted the help of a poor corn maze employee to give us a VIP tour of Archuletta's anatomy. We were in his ear (which Todd thought was hilarious, ear of corn...get it?) and we caressed his hand and then we stood in his microphone and sang our hearts out. Thus, the title of the post.

This place is pretty much a Halloween carnival, there is a hay ride, a giant monster you walk through and he literally farts you out, a big pit of corn kernels to play in, a princess area, a giant jumping pillow, pig races, the list goes on. There were all kinds of photo ops and I didn't want to miss any (because that's just the kind of person I am) so that's why you get all of the random pictures.

Wow, what love you all have for David out there -- his own maze. I'll bet you were a great MC. I can't believe how you all are dressed! It's still so hot here.
You should come visit and work on your tan!
I love David! He's my hero! HAHA
I've got a crush on you, Whitney, that won't go away! Sounds like a fabulous party. The best part being, of course, winning a spa treatment for yourself!!
You should have said, "The winner is...ME, suckas!" Congrats on that. What a fun employee party! Seriously, awesome place to work, Whit.
Sounds like fun...love the pics! Especially your header picture! That one is soo cute!
I love your new look for your blog, so cute! Where do you work and when can I get a job =) Sounds like a fun place! The farting monster sounds......interesting.
that looks so fun! i wish i coulda went.. sniff... haha i remember it last year tho! it was a blast!! so me you and chynna should all go hang out sometime! girls night?? haha or even a group date! i miss you guys!
Like your new picture too, but not so much the profile one. Sort of scares me. Which spa?
You and Shawn are just too cute.
It looks like you guys had a lot of fun, I can't believe Shawn still has that hat, I think he had it in Elementary school, well I guess it must still give him comfort since he was wearing it when they removed his third kidney
Looks like a fun time, I wish my work parties were that fun!( I usually fake sick so I don't have to go!)
Love the new profile pic!!!
what a fun night! so many great things to do--cute new picture up top too!
Looks so stinkin fun...and COLD!!!
I love the first picture of you and Shawn! It looks like the two of you had a blast. Did you go to the spa yet? I'm so jealous!
Congrats on the spa gift. You should give it to me. Everyone keeps talking about everything that's going on down there. We need to get our tushes down there before Halloween is over! Would my butt fit in that chair?
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