How is he 6 months old already? Insanity...don't say it...don't say it...they grow up so man, I said it. It really is crazy how much he's grown. He was barely 6 pounds when he was born..the 10th percentile and now:
Weight: 15lbs 12 ozs 25th percentile
Height: 26 inches 50th percentile
Head 17 1/2 inches 80th percentile
Uh oh, someone got the Sechrist curse! Do you see his head in relation to his other measurements? Madness.
-smiles a lot at mom and dad
-loves to eat mom's face
-laughs when you tickle his thighs, armpits and chin
-loves bath time and splashing
-grabs everything
-rolls over, this is kind of a new trick because even though he rolled over at 4 monthes, he didn't again for a month and then a few weeks...and just very sporatically only the past few days has he begun doing it every single time he's put on his belly
-laughs out loud at goofy dances and noises
-startles super easily (he's always stated very easily)
-sleeps 12 straight hours through the night
-doesn't like strangers, he mostly just stares at them with his mouth hanging open
could you tell your baby to remind my baby to sleep through the night?
and yes - they grow fast. too fast.
and he's adorable!!
I'm sad he was sleeping when we came over! I need to see this adorable baby in person!
he sleeps for 12 hrs at 6 mos??? no wonder you love him so much! he sure is cute!
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