Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Giggles and Squeals

Some silly videos of Berky. Some of him freaking out over right cereal and him laughing hysterically over looking at some new clothes of his. Mostly this is for the grandparents, and to get Shawn off my back so I'd post them.

Don't go expecting any James Cameron type cinematography though, we're talking cell phone cameras here.


Rebecca said...

He is so adorable! Did he eat that whole bowl of cereal?

Mary said...

My kids used to also freak out in the bath going nuts kicking and squeeling. So cute.

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! I love his giggle. Joel and I are just listening over and over. He just cracks us up. I love that little guy!

laura said...

I guess that's cute if you like adorable children doing adorable things...which, I do. So hilarious. The kids are going to love these! Keep them coming!!

Ashley said...

He is ADORABLE! I can't believe how much he has grown since your last post.

Sommer said...

Ha ha I love the clothes video. So adorable!

courtney said...

i read your wife's blog, shawn lindseth. and i watch your baby videos.