...it's gratitude.
I've been married now for 2 years and 1 1/2 months and let me tell you what...I'm lucky. Now don't stop reading just because you think this is going to be a mushy tribute about Shawn its not...
(I mean he's great, I love him, he's changed my life in so many ways and given me the gift of an eternal family and the cutest baby in the whole entire world...except for yours of course, but)
... because of my husband I am able to cross about a zillion things off of my mental bucket list.
I remember being tagged a while back and one of the things was list a certain number of things you want, I know I listed small things and things I never thought would happen, wreaths for my windows, a Nativity, a Wii, new basement furniture, a baby, a car with both working air conditioning and a stereo, a trip to Egypt...and these are just the things I remember because I have them. Now again, this isn't bragging...I mean the basement furniture was passed about 12 generations and 15 families down and it showed and the car, did you see what my requirements were? I think they speak for themselves. Egypt I'll give you. That was a super bonus and its a pretty awesome stamp in my passport. And now we're going to Hawaii in May. Who hasn't always wanted to go to Hawaii? Sometimes it seems like I'm the only person who never has.
Why then am I concerned with the "baby" item on my list coinciding with the Hawaii trip? It's going to be ok right? I'll still love it right? Tell me I'll love it.
In my head - no matter what it - it always comes out lindsey windseth. Like if I am just saying your first name, no problem, never comes out Lindsey bc well ... you're whitney ... but when I say the full name ... UG anxt H. Anyways, ..... TOTALLY understand your anxt (spelling?) about Hawaii. I am going to Kentucky in October. This is what a mom of 4 whose children are all 18 and older told me. I never left my kids. and they don't appreciate that, they don't even realize it, and at this age they don't even remember it! So, once in awhile, it's good to have some hubby & wife time!!
So are you taking the baby or leaving him. Either way it will be alright and I'll five you a more indepth reason why once I know for sure which way you're going.
Oh, he's coming with us. I didn't realize I was unclear but upon further inspection I can see the miscommunicatoin.
Yes, me, plus Shawn plus Berkley in Hawaii...Beaches and naptime...that's what I'm worried about.
ALOHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are going to love it. I'm going to Hawaii in May too. What are the chances??
Naptime on the beach....locals do it all the time!
LUCKY YOU!!! can cubby and i (and the kiddos) sneak into your suitcases??? and, as far as the beaches w/baby goes, just have shawn stay at the hotel while berk naps--he doesn't like the sun anyways!
We took Cubby to Bermuda when he was six months old. He wouldn't take a bottle, so we packed him up. The other kids were packed off to friends. It worked out okay. Just use a lot of sunscreen. You will be surprised how flexible the schedule gets. Babies will sleep anywhere.
just buy a big umbrella for Berkley to sleep under on the beach, and have lots of fun, baby schedules can be changed for vacations right?
Nothing a pack n Play on the beach won't solve. Have never been to Hawaii but last summer we were at Lake Tahoe beaches like every other day. I would either take her for a walk in her stroller and she would nap or pack n play under an umbrella. I am jealous I WANNA GO!!
If Berk is not crawling by then I have some fabulous suggestions. Email me. I am beach savvy. If Berk IS crawling by Hawaii...leave him in Utah.
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